About Us
Skip The Sales Appointments. You can now select the services you need and compare prices from your local service providers online.
Talk To Bruno is designed to connect our Members (customers) with our Partners (service providers).
Our platform provides experts in home repairs, hair care, makeup, massage, and much, much more.
Compare Local Prices
For the Members (customers), there are no membership fees and no quotes. We show final prices.

Our goal is to help Members and Partners save time by making it fast and easy to schedule services online and have them done at the location of the Member’s choice, while enforcing 100% transparency on Prices.
For the Partners (service providers), there are no commissions and you set your own prices.

Using our cashless platform, our Partners can set their own schedules, prices, and services offered. Our Members can search for services they need, see their prices, and choose Partners, days, and locations for those services to be performed.
This creates an unmatched and personalized service model for both sides.
As a Member, you can rest easy. Our Partners go through an extensive screening process before a partnership status is granted.
Remember: When you need something, Talk To Bruno. It’s that simple!

Are You a Service Provider? Become a Partner